It's been a long day, we've been waiting for doctors to tell us when and how the surgery will take place, what the risks are etc. And Im glad I didn't write this a little bit ago, because we were all pretty upset and not as hopeful. But
even though there is
risk, we believe in God's miracles and that He can do the impossible. The neurologist that did all the research about risk today just came in and talked to Dad and me (earlier she sent a letter with all the stats, risks, etc, with a few of the resident docs thats been with us since the beginning, and thats when mom heard, but her hope has been restored again). The valve needs to be replaced, and now is the window, because the brain ultimately would need a month, but the heart cannot last that long, so luckily this is the right time to do it. The neurologist basically told us that , Yes it is risky, and there is a 10-17% chance of complications (anywhere from a small stroke to being fatal). But she has seen people come out of this before, and to look at the bright side there is an 86% chance of no complications at all, so the odds are in his favor, and so is God. Ill keep you updated on when the surgery is, hopefully tomorrow morning. Ill be with dad all night tonight, and everyone just keep praying
and hopeing for the best. We love you all, and are so blessed to have such amazing family and friends, and Bob knows you are there for him. Praise God! and as I type dad is getting some good rest for the surgery. Talk to you soon, Aloha
PS: The wave pics were taken at Pipeline on Oahu this winter. That is God's raw power right there, and these images comfort me, for some weird reason, so I just though I'd share them. Also check out Nick Vujicic http://www.lifewithoutlimbs.org/. His story is amazing too. watch the video Verve intro, I got to see this guy speak in person last month.
Good Morning Bob and Jan and Katelyn...On my way to Weippe..Been praying without ceasing. My heart and faith and prayers are with you . May strength and healing be yours Bob. May the hands of the surgeons be blessed with each movement, timing and decision. I love you all. God be with you. Namaste..Shalom...Peggy