Saturday, April 25, 2009

4-25-09 PM Update

Bob had a good night sleep last night. Before we left last night around 9pm we were able to go in and see him when he woke up, and he was able to squeeze our hand a little, nod and respond with facial gestures. And when we said something funny he would roll his eyes at us when we couldn't figure out something, or said something funny.  So he's in there, seems the same as before he went into surgery. He still is on the ventilator so he cant talk, they tried taking him off of it this morning, but he wasn't quite ready, so they may try later today. But because he was so sick before going into surgery, he might take a couple extra days than normal open heart patients.  Thats ok though, we want him to be strong as possible before he moves out of ICU.  Today has been more mellow, and given all of us a chance to rest and recuperate from yesterday, it was a miraculous day, but exhausting.  But as for now dad's levels are good, the fluid on his lungs is drained more than this morning and he remains stable.  Gwen used to work in the Cardio ICU so she's been hooking us up with all the good nurses, and is able to get us more in depth updates and help us to understand everything, she's amazing we are so lucky to have a friend like her.  Thanks for all the prayers, keep them up, God is working miracles here. We've been meeting lots of other families in the ICU that have similar stories and we've been able to support each other through the struggles and the joys.  Its amazing how we are so interconnected.  As for the waiting room crew today, Rich and Diane are here again, they came up yesterday afternoon, bringing Sara( who is missing prom for us) with them, Breck came earlier yesterday.  My cousin Laurel and her husband Micah were just here and left, and Dick Haveman will be here later this afternoon. So thats all for now, Praise God! for such a good day, and good recovery so far!  Aloha,

1 comment:

  1. OH thank you, it's soo good to hear the good news about Bob. Gwen IS a God send! It was nice to be able to call her and ask questions and have things explained. Dennis had a nurse in ICU that was named BOB!! He was terrific, I would trust my life to him, or my husbands! They are so good up there and know exactly what to do when. Now that you and your mom can breathe a little better yourselves, get some sleep. It will make you feel better and be better for Bob. We love you and are praying for you ALL. Jill
