Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Up to the 6th Floor, Talking about rehab
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sitting up, breathing good and Eating
Monday, April 27, 2009
4-27-09 AM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sitting up, breathing good 4-26 PM
After remaining stable on the cpap machine, around 6pm they decided to let him sit up in a chair. So he sat for about an hour, still wasnt able to talk much because of the constant flow of oxygen through the mask, but he was able to make some good expressions and laughed a little bit. Today was a great day, and we pray that he keeps improving. He is so happy to be off the ventilator, he will be even happier when he can actually speak again. He gets frustrated sometimes giving us signs and nodding all the time, and he cant tell any jokes that way either, so thats no fun. He still has a long way to go, his strength in his legs is not back yet, but he can lift his arm up pretty good, and has a good squeeze in his hand. I always tease him, "Dad you want to arm wrestle." God has just given us one miralce after another. Keep praying, and we love hearing from you all. Ill talk to you soon! Aloha,
Just Breathe
Saturday, April 25, 2009
4-25-09 PM Update
Friday, April 24, 2009
Valve is in, Surgery went well, PRAISE GOD!
Hey everyone,
10AM Friday morning, In surgery
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Heart Surgery is ON
Preparing for the Heart surgery
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Through kidney surgery
Scope of kidneys
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Hurry up and WAIT
Monday, April 20, 2009
Here we go..heart surgery

It's been a long day, we've been waiting for doctors to tell us when and how the surgery will take place, what the risks are etc. And Im glad I didn't write this a little bit ago, because we were all pretty upset and not as hopeful. But
even though there is
risk, we believe in God's miracles and that He can do the impossible. The neurologist that did all the research about risk today just came in and talked to Dad and me (earlier she sent a letter with all the stats, risks, etc, with a few of the resident docs thats been with us since the beginning, and thats when mom heard, but her hope has been restored again). The valve needs to be replaced, and now is the window, because the brain ultimately would need a month, but the heart cannot last that long, so luckily this is the right time to do it. The neurologist basically told us that , Yes it is risky, and there is a 10-17% chance of complications (anywhere from a small stroke to being fatal). But she has seen people come out of this before, and to look at the bright side there is an 86% chance of no complications at all, so the odds are in his favor, and so is God. Ill keep you updated on when the surgery is, hopefully tomorrow morning. Ill be with dad all night tonight, and everyone just keep praying
and hopeing for the best. We love you all, and are so blessed to have such amazing family and friends, and Bob knows you are there for him. Praise God! and as I type dad is getting some good rest for the surgery. Talk to you soon, Aloha
PS: The wave pics were taken at Pipeline on Oahu this winter. That is God's raw power right there, and these images comfort me, for some weird reason, so I just though I'd share them. Also check out Nick Vujicic His story is amazing too. watch the video Verve intro, I got to see this guy speak in person last month.
Update 4-20-09 Heart News
This morning he had the echo on his heart ( scope down the throat to look at the heart). He didnt sleep real well in anticipating it. And the hope was that the vegetation( infection) would be decreased enough and the heart would repair its self. But it has not decreased enough and the way it is healing it still isn't sealing shut and it could cause heart failure later on or soon, so they need to go in and do a heart valve replacement surgery. We thought we could see the end of the tunnel, getting out of the hospital on possibly Wednesday, but now it seems to be a longer tunnel. There has to be a right time for the surgery is the tricky part. They have to thin the blood for the surgery but they dont want to compromise the infection in his brain. So they are going to talk to the neurologist to see when they can operate and if the abscesses have shrunk enough to do the surgery without risk of brain damage. Pray that the abscesses have lessened and they can do the surgery soon, and get him on the way to a full recovery. We are all so tired of just being in the hospital, and we were hoping this would be a sprint, but it looks like its gonna be a marathon. But the good thing is, they know what it is, and know how to fix it. And there was no abscesses in the heart. I cant imagine staying in this hospital any longer, and I cant even imagine how my dad feels, being restricted to the bed this long, at least we can escape a little bit. We just pray that we have the strength to carry on, and survive this. Mom and I are up here all the time. My moms great friend Gwen is letting us stay at her house( which is such a blessing), and Gwen also was a nurse at the Intensive care heart unit for 10 years here at Sacred Heart, so she knows the in and out of the heart surgery world. She recommended the best valve doctors, so we are trying to get one of them. They would all do fine Im sure, its just these guys are good in the valves. Just keep praying and staying positive, thats is all we can do right now. If any of you want to come hang out at the hospital we love seeing all of you. Looks like we will be camped out here awhile longer. Love you all, and thank you for all your prayers, God is healing him still, we just need to hang in there.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
4-18-09 Update
Thank you all for all your comments I read them to Dad this morning. He enjoyed hearing from all of you. Last night he didn't get too much sleep, just a lot of tossing and turning because he was just uncomfortable. Also since he has just started Physical Therapy, he is a little discouraged about his strength. He can itch his nose with his arm, but still cannot feed himself. The lesions on his feet seem to be getting lighter, which is a good sign about whats happening in the brain, shrinking the infections. On Tuesday they scheduled another eco, to see if the heart valve is getting cleared up. The main thing right now is his urine, its got some blood in it, but they think its from that catheter, so that has been fixed. The kidney ultra sound came out clean so there is no abscesses to worry about in there. Right now what he really needs is sleep, so he can have more strength, but its very hard to get rest in a hospital since they are always poking you and testing things. Tonight hopefully is feeling better and able to sleep soundly, Im probably not going be able to stay with him again, because Im so tired. So pray that the nurses are very attentive to his needs and his breathing. Hes been a little irregular with his breathing when he sleeps, but they say its not too bad yet. They took an x ray this morning of his lungs and there is still some fluid in there. Now that he has started physical therapy, they had him up in the wheel chair for a couple minutes today, that should help drain the fluids in his lungs. Breck and Sara, Rich and Diane are with us right now. The Coles will be up later, my mom went with her friend Gwen, who we are staying with, to a concert thing today, so that will give her a good break from the hospital.She needs it, hopefully that will give her more peace. It was a nice sunny day, so I went for a run in the park ( well half run half walk). that was really nice, I kinda fell asleep in the middle of the field, but there was lots of people around so it was safe. haha. I forgot how I love those cold crisp spring days here in the northwest. Thank you all for all your prayers, thats keeping us going, God is Great!! My dads been a little discouraged, so please pray for him to be strong in mind and body, and know that he has peace through God. Love you all, and Dad and family says Thankyou!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Full update as of 4-17-09 PM
2 weeks ago Friday, Bob felt really sick, with really bad headaches and flu like symptoms, as the days passed he got new symptoms such as lack of appetite, knee pain, delayed motor skills, eye infection. He went to the hospital about 3-4 times between that Friday and this last Saturday. Somewhere along the way he was diagnosed with an eye infection, and then Wegener's Granulomatosis, which is a neurological disorder that is very rare. He was displaying many symptoms of that so he had an appointment set up for Tuesday April 14, in Spokane with a specialist. On Saturday after he was taken to the ER when he was in extreme pain, they gave him staroid meds for the pain and sent him home while he awaited his Tuesday appointment. Then on Sunday he was very sick and couldnt coordinate his hand to eat or move, and he was very faint and weak. On Monday morning he couldnt get up out of bed, and had lost all energy and was in extreme pain, aches all over his body. He was taken to the ER in an ambulance then was immediately taken to Sacred Heart in Spokane in the ambulance. When he arrived here the doctors immediately started to work on dealing with the largest areas of infection such as his knee and lesions on his toes. And they took an MRI of the brain then too. On Tuesday morning he went in for knee surgery on his knee. They had to go in and clean out the infection in the knee. While he was in surgery they also did a eco of his heart to help diagnose him correctly. The cardiologist did find what was there, its an infection on the heart valve spreading the infection through the blood stream, endocadartis is the official word. It wasn't the nerve WG disorder, but the infection from the heart valve spread through his body in the blood stream. Later that day with the help of the blood cultures taken in one of his earlier hospital visits in Orofino, they were able to see what bug(virus) it was that was attacking his system. It was staph aureus, MSSA,( so not the MRSA worst one so that was good). His docs, this is kinda funny, his docs from the first day and who are still following up with him, were Dr. Grahm and Dr. Mallo (the" rolla roaster team", haha, dad said that). Before they figured out the bug they had him on a broad range of antibiotics, and then when they found out what it was they put him on 2 specific ones. The hope is that the antibiotics will go through his system, stop the infection from spreading, and shut down the abbesses from growing.
He was in Intensive Care Unit on a ventilator and sedated for the rest of the day on Tuesday and through the night. On wednesday morning they ext-abated him, took the breathing tube out and he was awake and aware, was able to eat actual liquid meals, like soup, milk etc. He has not been able to feed himself yet since his arm is weak, but he was eating. And finally he was allowed to drink water, which he says is the greatest thing ever! He was denied water all the time before that point. ON Wednesday morning,the neurologist gave us MRI results, he was able to look at the scan and find 8 absences of septic emboli in his brain, The neurologist walked us through and showed us the images and where the infection is. Bob isnt showing signs of brain damage or seizing, that is very good and means that he might recover without any lasting brain problems. One of the concerns at the time is seizures, so the dr. ordered an EEG brain wave test on his brain, that was on Bob for Wednesday afternoon, til Thurs morning. The readings came back clear there was no seizure activity, and every time the Neurologist comes in he is very excited and amazed to see how Bob is improving. On Thursday he did really well. He was still in the ICU but was very alert and joking around all day. He ate 3 meals. Gave his nurse Shaun a rolla roaster and gave the sales pitch. They moved him up to the 8th floor, the Neuroscience floor, at 3am On Friday morning.
And Friday April 17th is today, Hes really tired today, but still clear. I think hes just exhausted. He had an MRI this morning on his spine, and that checked out clean. So thats great! and the other concern for today is that he has blood in his urine, but they arnt too alarmed about it. They did an ultra sound this afternoon on his kidneys to see if there is an abscess in there, if its large enough they will have to do a procedure to drain it. But overall the antibiotics are working, the infections disease doc came in today and check up on him. The main concerns right now is the kidney and his breathing, he has a little fluid in his lungs so we just have to get him up sitting, which he did today once, and get him breathing deep. And the physical therapist came into day and checked on his strength, the was able to sit on his own after he was helped to sit up. And he stood for a little bit with assistance. So thats all good news. Right now he just really needs a good night sleep so he can have more strength, so pray that he'll get a good nights sleep and the other issues will be cleared up. We asked the doc today how much longer we will be here, she said Wednesday best case scenario, and then probably a week at the rehab center, that is if everything stays getting better, and we don't encounter any more problems. On Tues they will have to do another eco of his heart to make sure the infection is going away and there is no further damage to the heart. So we will be here awhile longer it looks like.
Breck is coming up tonight and Rich and Diane are here now, Mom and I have been here every day, all day and were here really late last night. I personally am getting antsy by being in this hospital all the time. But I think Ill go running tomorrow. Hopefully all this info doesn't overwhelm you, Thank you all for all your prayers, Dad says Hi and Thankyou. Praise God for all the healing that has taken place! Talk to you soon.