Sunday, May 31, 2009
Great News, Praise God! Dad has come home. He currently is cooking himself some good eggs after suffering through the bad hospital eggs for 50 days! He was so happy to be home, Ill fill in more details later. But I just wanted to let you all know that Dad is feeling good, being treated with antibiotics still, Mom and I are his nurses, haha, and hes home! Aloha!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Road Block
Well we were set to leave today, but early yesterday Dad woke up with bladder pain. The pain grew to about a 5 out of 10, to the point where he needed pain meds. Today he says the pain when he pees is about a 7. All this time he is also having to discipline himself to get up every 2 hours to pee so that he doesn't get plugged up and have to put the catheter back in. Right now they think the problem is a bladder infection which they have cultured already and are treating with antibiotics. This morning he woke up with floating clouds in his left eye. So he has an eye appointment today at 3:30 and will be staying here a few extra days. If these things start to resolve by tomorrow he might be able to leave then, but we'll see. Please pray that these things get better and don't cause anymore problems, and for dad to stay encouraged, because right now after looking forward to getting out of here, he is disappointed and having this pain right now. I'll keep you guys posted. Keep on praying. Aloha,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Bday and a picnic
It was a beautiful weekend, on the 25th, yesterday we went to another park and had a birthday picnic for me and Katie. Dad walked halfway around the pond and a few more distances. It was a good day. This week Dad has a CT scan so infectious disease doctor can see the progress of the brian infections. He has a few appointments and we are working on getting a new consult urologist for the urine problems. So far we are still on to get out of here on Friday, we may have to stay because of the urine problems. Ill keep you posted. Keep on praying, Love you all! Aloha,
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A walk in the park
Hey everyone! We just took a walk through the park. We had a 4 hour pass with Dad so we took him out to eat at Cyrus O learys, he walked in with mom and I spotting him. Then we took him in the wheelchair over to the park, where he walked one time up a little hill. He was so happy to get out. We may get to take him out for tomorrow and then we will go to Manito. He has a cold and cough, but its getting better. I put some pics up for you all to see. We love you all and hopefully we will be back in Orofino next week on Friday May 29, yay! Pray for everything to clear up so Dad can get checked out. Talk to you soon! Aloha!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
"Trouble Maker" nickname
The nurses have a nickname for Dad and it is "trouble maker" because now that his strength is getting better he doesnt see why he cant just get up and walk to the bathroom himself. So then he gets in trouble with the nurses, but they all still laugh. So pray that he is able to abide by the rules in rehab and will wait til he has spotters to prevent a fall. You know how us Holzers can be, especially Dad since hes always been so independent. But thats a little funny part thats been going on lately. While Im here he doesnt get away with much, dont worry. Our date for getting out of here is still the 29th. He still has been able to keep the catheter out and hasnt gotten plugged up again. His urine is still bloody but it gets lighter everyday. And on Monday, we get a day pass, meaning Dad gets to go out on the town for 4-6 hours. Which is perfect timing since we will be celebrating my birthday that day, my bday is on Tuesday but we decided to celebrate a day early. So that will be fun. Mom or I will go to a training session on Friday and then he's all ours on Monday. We'll probably take him to eat somewhere or to the park. Thats the exciting news for the week. Keep on praying and we hope to see you soon back in Orofino. Love you all, Aloha,
Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday 6th week
Sorry its been awhile I was running all over the state this weekend. Jan was up here with Bob for the weekend and Breck too. Over the weekend Dad had a few dizzy issues, and fainted one time, but he didnt fall. They seem to have that worked out and now he is feeling much better. This morning he got the catheter out finally, so now we are just praying that his time he doesnt have to have it put back in. He is getting stronger every day. Just now he stood up all by himself from sitting down at the edge of the bed. Tonight he should get a good nights sleep since he doesnt have that catheter anymore. Thank you for all your prayers and hopefully we will be home soon. Ill know more tomorrow if we might get to leave any sooner than the 29th of May. Aloha,
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Keeps on improving
The rehab people say if dad keeps on improving then he will get out of here on May 29th, he thinks he can get out sooner though. haha. He continues to walk further and do things himself now. Not too much though, he knows he has to take it easy for awhile, so thats good. Thats all for now with Dad. Ill keep you posted. Love you all!
PS: Its been a month now. Its amazing dad has gotten so much better in just a month. Praise God!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Almost a month now
Hey everyone,
Bob has been getting stronger, walking further each day at St. Luke's Rehab. The bladder issue still hasnt resolved itself. We are hoping that it will soon, that is the most painful thing right now for him. I went back to Orofino for a couple days and mom headed back yesterday and will be at work this week, then I will go back for the weekend. We are getting better at taking breaks. Yesterday we took dad on a wheelchair ride around the outside of the building, since the sun was so nice and he was feeling good. We will know more on Wednesday, how he is doing, how long we will be here.. etc. Ill keep you posted and thank you for all your prayers. Aloha,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Sun is out! Bob is walking further
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Moving Day! To St. Lukes
Hey everyone! we are moving out this afternoon. His heart stopped doing that little weird beating thing, and his pee is still red and they expect that to clear up at rehab. Urology is still following him and he is going to stay with the catheter over to rehab, but other than that all looks well. So we are packing up and getting ready to move, we are just waiting for infectious disease doctor to give us the final green light. We have a 2pm pick up time, and then when he gets over there I guess he is going to be interviewed 7 times. Ill keep you posted. Thanks for all your prayers! Praise God, we're out of here! YAY
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Day 23 update
Hey everyone,
There is hope of getting moved over to St. Lukes rehab tomorrow. He is still having some trouble with the catheter, but so far they haven't been concerned with going back in and scopeing out his bladder. Hes been walking everyday. And for the past 3 days he has been getting a real shower. So thats been great. We are just praying for those little things to clear up so we can get over to rehab and recover quickly. Dad is such a trooper all the nurses say. One of them said, "Ive never had a patient that didnt complain," Dad jokes around with her, " well I might be out of here soon, I better start now..." haha. He was handing out rolla roasters like crazy yesterday, to his room mate, the nurses , the physical therapist. So hes in good spirits. Love you all, keep on praying, Praise God! Aloha,
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Bloomsday! and Dad
There is not much difference today, except the fact that Im almost as sore as Dad now because I ran the Bloomsday race. Gwen's daughter couldn't run because of work so I took her spot. Bob continues to improve, but they did find some heart irregular beats they are going to give him a couple units of blood to see if that helps him perk up a little. They are just going to wait and see about the weird beats, but they are not too concerned right now. He had to get the catheter put back in because of clotting in the urine again, so thats not good, but they are just going to keep an eye on it. Dad continues to joke around and give his nurses a hard time. He's been walking at least to the bathroom and back every day, and today he finally got a shower. We may not be out of here for a couple more days, but hopefully we will be at St. Lukes rehab sometime this week. Love you all, keep praying!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Walking Further
Bob continues to get stronger, he walked almost 2x as far today. The mobility in his arm and hand is getting better. He is a little frustrated that he cant draw right now, but that is already getting better. He continues to keep a good attitude and is being patient in his recovery. On Monday they have us scheduled to go over to St. Lukes Rehab center, just down the street. Mom headed down to Orofino today, she will come back on Monday morning. I am planning to stay up here with him for the 2 weeks or rehab, then we go home! One miracle after another! God has kept us safe, and your prayers have kept us going, Ill keep you posted as he continues to recover. Today his brother Rich is up here, and its his birthday, Diane and Grandma are here too. They are going to head back tonight, then tomorrow its just me. I might run in the Bloomsday race with Gwen, we'll see. Might as well appreciate Spokane while we are here. Love you all, Aloha!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Hey everyone!
Bob is still on the 6th floor and is making a good recovery so far. He walked to the bathroom yesterday, that was the first time he was able to walk, he had the nurse spotting him. But he pretty much walked by himself. Just now they brought in a one arm walker. He has been eating by himself as well, as long as you get it right in front of him. He's doing great though. I took a little break yesterday and went to see a track meet in Lewiston with the Stuffles. Mom will probably go down this weekend for a good break, then I will stay. She needs a break. But in the meantime, Dad is joking around and smiling plenty. Right now Dick and Deb are here and Grandma. We got one of Harvey's great cards, that is pretty much a picture perfect drawing of what is going on up here, thats amazing how Harvey hasn't even seen up here, and drew it almost perfect. Praise God! Dad continues to get better! The miracles keep on coming! And dad is making sure all his docs ( which is about 10) and nurses are getting rolla roasters. Love you all, Aloha,
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